More about Behayve
Here we see the result of a few mouse clicks that transferred large quantities of observational data from the phone to laptop GIS. A huge labor saver.
Each coloured dot is the result of a single observation, fixing the position of an animal or the position of a particular behavior. Clicking on a dot brings up full details of the observation and associated data, as shown.
Animals may be recorded as individuals or, as in this simple example, at group level. Aggregate counts of animals in different states may be recorded.
We can see that a humpback whale in Group DA breathed at the time and position shown, with the observer position also noted. The water depth and temperature (automatically recorded) can be seen. Also shown are the speed and course taken since the previous observation. The track of the observer may be underlaid.
To record this observation, the observer simply selected Blow from a list of behaviors, then put the whale in the crosshairs on the phone and on the wireless rangefinder. Manual entry was an alternative.
Record behaviours and tracks.
Session details.
Information particular to an observation session, and any custom control variables you may have configured, are recorded. Here, High tide height and High tide time are custom data items.
Sampling modes.
Four tabs allow you to perform any combination of focal, scan, behavior and ad-lib sampling at the same time. The app leads you through, step by step, according to the sampling mode.
Select a behavior.
Tap a behavior to record it. Long-press a behavior or species to bring up an image, video or sound clip that you have configured to illustrate it.
Auto range.
When fixing the position of an animal, shoot with a handheld wireless rangefinder. The range is automatically captured by the app. Or enter the range manually.
Heading refers to the direction the animal is currently pointing. (Current course is calculated automatically.)
Auto bearing.
Point and shoot to record the compass bearing and (if 3D tracking is selected) the zenith angle. Or enter the value manually.
Behayve automatically computes the target latitude, longitude and elevation, as well as 2D/3D coordinates relative to the observer.
Additional roles.
If, optionally, you’ve configured one or more additional roles for this behavior, you’ll be prompted for them. Roles can be assigned to members of the same or another group.
If, optionally, you’ve configured one or more modifiers for this behavior, you’ll be prompted for them.
Notice how chevrons, at the top, indicate your progress. The status bar immediately below them shows the role, subject and behavior you’ve selected.
Custom data items.
If, optionally, you’ve configured custom data items, you’ll be prompted for them.
This can be per session (control variables), behavior, role, modifier, environment snapshot, group, subject, position fix, scan or end of sampling . Custom data items may be configured as text, numeric or multiple-choice.
A snapshot of environmental parameters may be recorded at any time.
Real-time map.
While recording observations, or later, you can view a terrain map showing animal tracks and the position of behaviors. Optionally the track of the observer can be shown as well (blue dots). Clicking on a dot pops up the data and notes associated. In our own research projects, we’ve found this insightful.
You can enter notes, record voice notes and animal vocalisations, or dictate (to the tender mercies of AI voice-to-text translation). The time, observer position and context are automatically recorded.
Review and correction.
During a recording session, or later, data entered can be reviewed and corrected.
Tap on an entry to correct it. Calculated data such as latitude/longitude will be adjusted appropriately if necessary.
Configure to your exact needs.
Configuration menu.
Configuring your study to your exact needs is straightforward and clearly documented in the User Guide. Modify the sample study or create from scratch. Configurable items include:
Behavior classes, behaviors
Groups, individuals
Roles, modifiers, mutual exclusions
Data items, multiple choices
Places, areas, onboard maps
Add a behavior.
Adding a behavior to your ethogram need be nothing more than entering its name.
Optionally you can provide an illustrative image, video or sound clip for the behavior.
Behavior classes conveniently allow roles, modifiers and custom data items to be defined for a whole class of behaviors. Classes also allow the behaviors for animals in particular groups to be restricted to the relevant ones, further speeding recording.
Add an individual.
Groups and individual subjects may be configured in advance or as encountered. Parameters that can be recorded for an individual include:
Name, description
Species, age, sex
Length, breadth, height, weight
Mother, father
Selector (restricts individuals shown, for speed)
Free app, with in-app purchases
Set up your custom study and record data for free, viewing results on-screen. Purchase or take out a subscription to export past and future data to spreadsheet, GIS and KML.
Behayve is priced with built-in discount for academic use.
In most cases, the cost of an all-features subscription can be compared to the cost of a cup of coffee at a café every couple of weeks. Details in Appendix V of the User Guide.
A portion of proceeds go to Living Ocean.
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