Sample study
When you no longer have the sample study …
If you have deleted the sample Elephant study from your phone, or it is no longer working as you would wish, there is a way to get a fresh copy.
A. If you do not yet have studies of your own that you wish to preserve, simply delete the Behayve app and re-install it. Nothing else is required.
B. If you do have your own study or studies, some inconvenience is involved and care must be taken:
Initial steps:
If Elephant study is not working correctly, delete it in Configuration.
On the Maintenance menu, export your database to the cloud and be certain to copy it away safely to another cloud folder called (say) MyStudies, renaming the file in MyStudies to ReplacementDatabase.dbf.
Remove the Behayve app from your phone - this also removes your database from the phone.
Reinstall the Behayve app - at this point you have the sample Elephant study on the phone, but not your own studies.
Export the database you now have to the cloud - save that database away to another cloud folder called (say) SampleStudy, and in SampleStudy rename it to ReplacementDatabase.dbf.
Restore your studies to the phone by copying the file MyStudies/ReplacementDatabase.dbf to the Behayve/Imports folder in the cloud (first deleting any file of the same name) and using the Import database option on the Maintenance menu.
Any time you want to use the Elephant study sample, the procedure is:
On the Maintenance menu, export your database to the cloud and be certain to copy it away safely to another cloud folder called (say) MyStudies, renaming the file in MyStudies to ReplacementDatabase.dbf.
In the cloud, copy the file SampleStudy/ReplacementDatabase.dbf to the Behayve/Imports folder (first deleting any file of the same name).
Use the Import database option on the Maintenance menu to restore Elephant study to the phone.
Use Elephant study.
Optionally, export the database (containing the updated Elephant study) to the cloud, placing it in the SampleStudy folder as above.
Restore your own studies by copying the file MyStudies/ReplacementDatabase.dbf to the Behayve/Imports folder and then using the Import database option on the Maintenance menu.